Random Lake Middle School Computer Lab


If you are looking for usernames, passwords and links to sites you use in school, this is where you will find them!!  

If there are any I have missed please let me know.


Mrs. Schanen

Sites, usernames, & passwords. 


Username: same as for school

Example: 19mschan

Password: 0’s then lunch number and letter a.

Example: If lunch # is 51 then 000051a

                : If lunch # is 151 then 000151a

(Password needs to be a total of 6 numbers and the letter a)

(CLASS of 2013:  Use your same username and password as

your log in for school.)



Username: your school username@randomlake.k12.wi.us

Example: 19mschan@randomlake.k12.wi.us


Class of 2013 ONLY: your name and lunch number.

Example: mike1234


0’S then lunch number and the letter a

Example: If your lunch # is 51 then 000051a

(Password needs to be a total of 6 numbers and the letter a)

ATTENTION: Some of the classes did not put the letter a at the end of their password. So if your password does not work with the letter a then try it without. 


Username: your school username

Password: 0’s then your lunch number and the letter a

Example: If lunch # is 51 then 000051a

(Password needs to be a total of 6 numbers and the letter a)



 Sites, usernames, & passwords. 


Username: your school username

Password: 0’s then your lunch number and the letter a

Example: 000051a

(Password needs to be a total of 6 numbers and the letter a)

Class of 2013 ONLY: Password is the same as your school password.


(Destiny: School Card Catalog)


Username: your school username

Password: 0’s then your lunch number.

Example: 000051

 Class of 2013 ONLY: Password is the same as your school password.



Username: your school username

Password: 0’s then your lunch number.

Example: 000051



Username: your school username

Password:0’s then your lunch number.

Example: 000051


(Resource site for 8th grade)


Username:  randomlakeschool

Password: rlsd



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